Уроки англійської у початковій школі

Конспект відкритого уроку у 4-А класі на тему: 

"At the Zoo"

Тема:    Зоопарк (At the zoo)
Мета: Повторити назви тварин. Повторити граматичний матеріал:     теперішній  та минулий час. Закріпити знання, уміння та навички, сформовані на уроках. Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам’ять, увагу, чуття мови. Розвивати творчі здібності учнів. Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: відеофільм «Мадагаскар», комп’ютери, мультимедійна дошка; роздавальний матеріал для аудіювання, касета, магнітофон, малюнки тварин, маски тварин.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
      1. Greeting. Привітання.
T:  Good morning, children! Nice to see you! Today we have many guests on our    lesson. Please, let’s greet to our guests.
Ps: Good morning, teachers! (Good morning, parents).
T:  Let’s start our lesson.
      2. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T:  What is the weather like today?
      Is it frosty today?
      Is it windy today?
      What colour is the sky?
      Is it sunny today?
      Do you like sunny days?
      Is it raining today?
      Do you like such weather?
      What day is it today?
      What month is it now?
      What season is it now?
      What weather was yesterday?

3. Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:  Please, look at the white board. Let’s see a cartoon and after that you must tell me, where are the animals and what animals can you see there? (Учні дивляться фрагмент мультфільму «Мадагаскар» від початку до моменту, коли діти зрозуміють, що вони потрапили до зоопарку).
Ps: The animals are at the zoo. We can see a lion, a hippo, a giraffe, a zebra, monkeys, penguins.
T:  So, we are in the zoo. Do you like to go to the zoo? (Yes, we do). Today we’re going to visit the zoo and to meet its animals.
      4. Phonetics.Фонетична розминка.
T:  But first let’s repeat some sounds. Look, at the white board (map). Let’s practice the sounds [g], [w], and [h]. Look at the board, listen and repeat. (показ на мультимедійній дошці).
      5. Check on Homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
T:  Are you ready with your homework? (Yes, we are). Your hometask was to  draw your favorite animal and describe it. Let’s make our own zoo on the blackboard (діти приклеють свої малюнки на дошці).
      (Розповіді учнів про улюблених тварин. З’являється зоопарк з тваринами, намальованими дітьми).
      Stand up!
      Hands up! Clap , clap, clap!
      Hands down! Shake, shake, shake!
      Hands forward! Clap , clap, clap!
      Hands down! Shake, shake, shake!
      Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
      Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Sit down!
II. Основна частина уроку.
1.     Аудіювання. Listening Comprehension.
T:  At now we shall listen the text and do some task (роздаю ксерокопії із завданням).But first of all, look at the board! These are unfamiliar [٨nfə'miliə] words from the text which you’ll be listen:
-         the keeper [ki: pə] доглядач, власник
-         to feed [fi: d] годувати
-         a route [ru: t] маршрут
-         a baby camel ['beibi ' kæməl] дитинча верблюда.
(Запитую дітей: How do translate or what does it mean …?)
T:  Listen to the text and then answer my question:
·     How many animals does Mr Black feed at the zoo? (ten animals).
·     What animals does Mr Black feed at the zoo? (elephants, penguins, lions, tigers, snakes, bears, camels, monkeys, parrots, dolphins).
T:  Listen to the text again and draw Mr Black’s route round the zoo. It sums to me, it’s better for you to write down the number and then draw. (читаю текст 2 рази і даю перевіряти вчителям).
2.     Reading. Читання.
a)     Етап підготовки до читання.
T:  Open your PB at page 91 Ex. 5.
Look at the pictures and tell me what can you see there. (Усна бесіда за малюнками до тексту).
Ps: I can see the zoo, the gorilla pit, Steve.
T:  Please, listen the cassette and after that answer to my question:
·     Who fell into the gorilla pit? (Jack).
b)    Етап читання.
T:  Please, read this text one by one (ланцюжком).
      с) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.
T:  Ex. 7 p. 92. Make up the questions according to the text and ask each other:
1.     Did Jack go to the zoo? Yes, he did.
2.     Did Jack and his father go to the museum? No, they didn’t.
3.     Did Jack fall into the gorilla pit? Yes, he did.
4.     Was he scared? Yes, he was.
5.     Did the lion sit down next to Jack? No, he didn’t.
6.     Did Steve go into the pit? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
7.     Did gorilla lift Jack out of the pit? Yes, he did.
8.     Is Steve famous now? Yes, he is.
Пісня «I’m at the zoo»
T:  Let’s have a rest and sing a song. (p. 53).
3.     Speaking. Навчання усного мовлення.
T:  Look at the white board (screen) again. (мультимедійна дошка, на якій зображений зоопарк РВ 1 р. 25).
T:  Olena, let’s go to our zoo with me!
      Do you agree, that it’s a nice place? (Yes, I do).
      What is your favourite animal?
P1: My favourite animal is a camel.
T:  What can you say about it?
P1: It is big. It’s brown. It has got a big head. It can run very fast.
      (викликаю декількох учнів).
T:  Let’s make up the dialogue with your partner about our zoo. Look, you must speak about…
Опора-скелет (є на дошці)
Speak:  - when you visit the zoo;
                       - who you go there with;
                       - what visitors mustn’t do;
                       - what you see there;
                       - how you like it.
T:  You have one minute.
      It’s time to stop/ Everyone stop now.
      Olena and Nastya, tell us your dialogue.

A:  When do you usually visit the zoo?
B:  I usually visit it once a month.
A:  Who goes there with you?
B:  My parents (friends) go there with me.
A:  What visitors mustn’t do?
B:  They mustn’t feed the animals (shout, drop litter, touch the animals).
A:  What can you see there?
B:  I can see parrots, snakes, monkeys.
A:  Do you like to go to the zoo?
B:  Yes, I do.
      (учні в парах розповідають діалоги біля мультимедійної дошки).
4.     Computer Work. Робота з комп’ютером.
T:  Take your places at the computers.
Click “Games and Activities”. Choose “10 Unit. At the zoo”. Choose “Word Game”.
·     You must choose the correct answer and then tell me, how many points will you get?
T:  Take your places at the desks.
      Close your eyes! Turn your head on the left.
      Turn your head on the right.
      Tell me, please, what colour are your clothes?
      (It’s blue, red…).
      Open your eyes! Sit down, please!
5.     Writing. Письмо.
T:  Open your WB at page 119 Ex. 5.
You must write down the missing words according to the text, which we read. For example: 1. Jack and his father went to the zoo.
(підбираю слова на картках, дитина йде та вибирає слово і говорить його по буквах (Spell it). Обов’язково читають готові речення).
Ex. 5p. 119 (пропущені слова):
2. saw                                                  3. went
4. climbed                                            5. fell
6. was                                                  7. sat
8. looked                                              9. went
10. lifted
 (Учні зачитують готові речення).
6.     Playtime. П’єса “Animals welcome you!”
T:  Let’s have a rest. I know, that you want to show us a play “Animals welcome you!” Please, lets start. (діти в масках тварин показують сценку).
      (English club, p. 84-85; Пісня “I like to move it” показую на мультимедійній дошці).
III. Заключна частина уроку.
1.     Homework. Домашнє завдання.
T:  Open your diaries! Your hometask for the next lesson will be PB Ex. 8 p. 92.
·     You must draw a picture about your last visit to the zoo and write down a short composition about it.
2.     Summaring. Підведення підсумків уроку.
T:  Olena, your mark for the lesson is 11. Well done, Olena. (Excellent, Good)
·          You worked very well on the today lesson.
·          You did some mistakes in your pronunciation (вимова).
·          Be more attentive (уважний), please!
·          Don’t speak so fast, because it’s difficult to understand you! (Мотивація оцінок учнів).
T:  So, we were at the zoo.
·          Was this lesson interesting? (Yes, it was).
·          Thank you for your work and good-bye, children! Say “good-bye” to our guests. (Good-bye, teachers (parents).
·          The lesson is over.
·          See you next time!

At the zoo from Tanya0303

 Урок у І-гімназійному класі на тему: "Birthday party"

1.      Вступне слово.
-         Good morning, children! Good morning, our dear guests!
-         Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, Good morning,
I am glad to see you!

-         We are glad to see you very much! Today we have a Birthday Party! We shall sing and play and dance and also eat a cake!
2.      Знайомство.
-         What’s your name?
-         How old are you?
-         Where do you live?
-         What have you on the desk?
-         What colour is your pencil?
-         Do you have a bag?
-         What is your mother’s name?
3.      Пісня «What’s your name?».
What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Adam. What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Helen. What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Bix. Hello, Adam.
Hello, Helen.
Hello, Bix!

What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Adam. What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Helen. What’s your name? What’s your name?
I’m Bix. Goodbye, Adam.
Goodbye, Helen.
Goodbye, Bix!
4.      Вірші.

1)     I like to read, I like to play,
I like to study every day,
I like to jump, I like to run,
I like to play, It’s fun.
2)     Tom is playing, Fred is eating,
Nick is writing, Bob is sleeping.
The sun is shining and I am smiling.

3)     The bear is white.
The bird is blue.
The dog is black.
The puppy is, too.
4)     Tom has a cat.
His cat is red.
His cat is big and fat.
It is on the bed.

5)     I’ve got a pet,
It’s a cat.
His name is Fred,
I love my cat.
6)     I have many pencils:
Red and green and blue.
I’ll draw a nice picture.
And give it to you.

7)     My favourite colour is yellow.
My favourite number is two.
My favourite flavour is chocolate.
And my favourite person is you.

8)     I like to run
Out in the sun
It’s such a fun
To run, to run!

9)     I’m a little girl,
Yes, that’s me,
My hair is black
As you can see.

10) You like me
And I like you.
Green and yellow
White and blue.

5.      Гра «Поле чудес».
1)     Mary’s father has four daughters. Their names are Lila, Lola, Lela, and … . Guess the fourth daughter’s name. (Mary)
2)     I have four legs and a back but no head. What am I? (Chair)
3)     I have a face and two hands but no eyes. What am I? (Clock)
4)     Where would you find an ocean without water, a country without people, a forest without trees, and a road without cars? (Map)

6.      Пісня «One big, two big elephants».

One big, two big elephants,
Three big, four big elephants.
One, two, three, four, five big elephants.
Five big elephants.
And a little mouse!
Five big, four big elephants.
Three big, two big elephants.
Five, four, three, two, one big elephant.
Goodbye, elephants!

7.      Сценка «Ten Little Birds».

1st Child:
One little bird
Hopped on my shoe;
Along came another one,
And that made two.
Fly to the tree-tops,
Fly to the ground;
Fly, little birds,
Round and round!

2nd Child:
Two little birds
Singing in a tree;
Along came another one,
And that made three.
3rd Child:
Three little bird
Came to my door;
Along came another one,
And that made four.

4th Child:
Four little birds
Perched in a hive;
Along came another one,
And that made five.
5th Child:
Five little birds
Nesting in the ricks;
Along came another one,
And that made six.

6th Child:
Six little birds
Flying up to heaven;
Along came another one,
And that made seven.
7th Child:
Seven little birds
Sat upon a gate;
Along came another one,
And that made eight.

8th Child:
Eight little birds
Swinging on a line;
Along came another one,
And that made nine.
9th Child:
Nine little birds
Looking at a hen;
Along came another one,
And that made ten.

8.      Гра з картинками (Мій робочий день).
- Скласти розповідь про свій робочий день, використовуючи картинки. Наприклад:
1) I get up at 7 o’clock.
2) I wash and dress.
3) I have my breakfast at 8 o’clock.
4) I go to school with my sister or brother.
5) I came home after school.
6) I have dinner at 2 o’clock.
7) I do my homework at 4 o’clock.
8) I go to bed at 9 o’clock.
      9. Сценка «A mouse and a cat».
Little Mouse, little Mouse,
Where is your house?
Little Cat, little Cat,
I don't have a flat.
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Little Mouse, little Mouse,
Come to my house.
Little Cat, little Cat,
I can't do that.
You want to eat me up!

10. Сценка «Animals Welcome You!».
Now the animals want to welcome you to the forest to celebrate the New Year with them. Squirrel:
Come to my hut,
I'll give you a nut.
Come to my village,
I'll give you a cabbage.
Come to my house,
I'll give you a mouse.
Come to my hole,
I'll treat you all.
Come to my den,
You'll get honey then.
All together:
Welcome, welcome,
Come to us.
We shall sing
And play, and dance.

11. Пісня «Lions and cats».
Lions and cats, lions and cats.
Lions and cats and a kangaroo.
All the animals in the zoo.

Parrots and bats, parrots and bats.
Parrots and bats and a kangaroo.
All the animals in the zoo.

Elephants, elephants.
Elephants and a kangaroo,
All the animals in the zoo.

12.  Кросворд про їжу.

1)     It’s a fruit. It’s yellow, long and sweet.
2)     It’s cold, sweet and white.
3)     It’s a fruit. It’s orange, round.
4)     It’s not a fruit. It’s round, made of wood. You can sit at it.
5)     It’s a small fruit. It’s red and sweet.
6)     All family sit at the table and eat. It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
7)     It’s a fruit. It’s round and sweet.
8)     What is ih English «ням-ням».

13. Вірш на дошці.
-At now look at the blackboard and let’s read a rhyme about what we can do on our party:
Come to the party
Today, if you please.
Roses and lilies
Will dance in the breeze.
Bright yellow candles
Will bow to the blue.
All will be dancing
And I’ll dance with you!

14. Пісня «Helen’s Birthday».

It's Helen's birthday.
It's Helen's birthday.
Happy birthday, Helen.
How old is she?
She's seven today.
Happy birthday, Helen
She's seven today!
Happy birthday, Helen!
It's Simon's birthday.
It's Simon's birthday.
Happy birthday, Simon.
How old is he?
He's six today.
Happy birthday, Simon.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
He's six today!
Happy birthday, Simon!

15.  Сценка «Teddy Bear».
(Children are dancing in a circle.)

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Turn around,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear ,
Touch the ground,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Show your shoe,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
I love you.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Shut the door,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Count to four,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Switch off the light,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Say, "Good night".

16.  Пісня «Yum, yum».
There are five sweets in my hand,
Five sweets in my hand,
There are five sweets in my hand,
Yum, yum, yum.

There are four sweets in my hand,
Four sweets in my hand,
There are four sweets in my hand,
Yum, yum, yum.

There are three sweets in my hand ...

There are two sweets in my hand ...

There's one sweet in my hand ..

Look - no sweets!

-         At now let’s eat a very tasty cake ( звучить пісня «Happy Birthday to you!»).

17. Слово надається батькам.

-         Дякуємо за увагу. До нових зустрічей!

Конспект відкритого уроку у 3-А класі на тему: 

"Clothes and Colours"

Тема:    Clothes and colours
 Мета:      Повторити й активізувати  ЛО теми, систематизувати
                вживання стр. Whats this? It’s a belt/ What are these?
                Theyre jumpers; розвивати увагу, уяву, мислення, пам’ять.
Обладнання:   зображення кольорів, малюнки одягу.
І. Організаційний момент.
-           Good morning, children! Let’s start our lesson.

ІІ. Мовленнєва зарядка:
-       What is the weather like today?
-       Is it warm today?
-       Are you wearing in warm clothes today?
-       Is it windy today?
-       What colour is the sky?
-       Is it frosty today?
-       Do you like such weather

ІІI. Фонетична зарядка.
[eə]          bear, chair, wear
[au]         count, house, blouse, trousers
[3:]          bird, shirt, skirt
[ju:]         music, Tuesday, suit
[u:]          school, blue, shoes
[ı]            playing, swimming, wearing
IV. Оголошення теми, мети уроку, їх мотивація.
-  Today we will repeat words about clothes and colours. We will spesk your
  dialogues play interesting games, tell about your favourite clothes and sing 

V. Повторення вивченого матеріалу й систематизація знань.
    1)  - what colour is this? (повторення назв кольорів)
          - It’s blue (red, orange, black …)
    2)  - Let’s sing a song about colours “A red ballon”.
VІ. Закріплення раніше поданого і нового мовного матеріалу.
-     Open your books p. 34 Ex. 3
(читання слів за касетою)
-   Ex. 4 p. 34 Ask and answer:
   What’s this? It’s a belt.
   What are these? They’re jumpers.
    (I – P1-P2)
     Stand up! Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!
     Hands down! Snake! Snake! Snake!
     Hands forward! Clap! Clap! Clap!
     Hands down! Snake! Snake! Snake!
     Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
     Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop!
     Sit down, please!
VII. Розвиток умінь.
1)     Розвиток умінь читання:
-     Ex. 1 p. 33 (читання в парах)
2)     Розвиток умінь усного мовлення:
-     Dialogue
A: What’s your doll’s (toys) name?
B: Pat.
A: What is your doll (toy) wearing?
B: It is wearing a green shirt and blue trousers. What about your doll (toy)?
A: It’s name is Barbie.
B: What is it wearing?
A: It is wearing a red dress and a pair of small red shoes.

-           Topic “My clothes”
    I like … but I don’t like …
    I really like …
    My favourite colours are …
    At school I usually wear…
    I never wear …
    I’ve got a lot of …
    At the moment I’m wearing …
-           Пісня про одяг (Ex. 5 p. 35) “I like…”
3)     Розвиток умінь письма:
-           Заповнити пропуски словами та прочитати текст (завдання на карточках).
VIІІ. Домашнє завдання.
-   WB Ex. 8 p. 44
-   Завдання для обдарованої дитини.

IX. Підсумок уроку.
-   Гра “Are you wearing on a skirt? No, I am not /yes, I am”.
-   Повторення слів за малюнками.
-   Малюнковий диктант.

         -  Оцінювання учнів.

Розробка системи уроків з англійської мови у 4 класі на тему: "Місто"

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