Позакласна робота

Інсценізація казки «Білосніжка та сім гномів»

(based on the story by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm)
This fairy-tale will be perfect for celebrating of St. Valentine's Day in the 5th—6th forms or for the Week of English.
·        Stepmother
·        Mirror
·        King
·        Snow White
·        Hunter
·        Dwarf 1
·        Dwarf 2
·        Dwarf 3
·        Dwarf 4
·        Dwarf5
·        Dwarf 6
·        Dwarf 7
Stepmother. I am very beautiful! I am proud of my beauty. I can't think that somebody else can be more beautiful. I'll ask my mirror about this:
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Among the ladies in this land
Who is the most beautiful of them all?
Mirror. Oh, Queen, you are the fairest of them all.
Stepmother. Is this true? Mirror. Oh, yes, it is true.
King. My dear, look. This is my daughter. Her name is Snow White. I want you to be the sec­ond mother to her. Look, how pretty she is!
Stepmother. Ha! Daughter! I hate children, especially girls.
(Бере дзеркало.)
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Among the ladies in this land
Who is the most beautiful of them all?
M i r r o r. Oh, Queen, you are the fairest of them all.
But the child Snow White is lovelier than you.
Stepmother (тупає ногами). I hate this child!
(З’являється мисливець.)
Take this child away, deep into the forest and kill her.
Snow White. Where are we?
H u n t e r. In the forest.
Snow White. Oh, please, do not kill me! I promise never to return home again!
Hunter. OK! Run away, my poor little child. (Buxoдить.)
Snow White. How terrible is here! I don't know what will happen to me! I am afraid of wild animals! (Buxoдить.)
Dwarf 1. Hello! My name is Doc. I like to think and talk!
D w a r f 2. I am Grumpy! I am sad all the day I don't like to play!
Dwarf 3. Hello friends! My name is Happy. I am merry. I like to laugh!
D w a r f 4. Hello! I am Sneezy. I always sneeze!
Dwarf 5. Hello! I am Sleepy!
Dwarf 6. Hello! I am Silent!
Dwarf 7. And I am Shy!
Dwarf 6. We have no time!
Dwarf 7. See you soon. Good-bye!
axoдить Білосніжка.)
Snow White. Oh! What a nice house! How tired I am! Who lives here?
I am so hungry! There are 7 plates on the table. I'll eat a little from each plate! Now I want to sleep!
(Лягає  cnamu.)
Dwarf 1. Who sat on my chair?
 Dwarf 2. Who eat from my plate?
Dwarf 3. Where is my bread?
Dwarf 4. Where is my vegetables?
Dwarf 5. Where is my spoon?
Dwarf 6. Where is my fork?
Dwarf 7. Where is my tea?
Dwarf 1. Look! Who is here?
Dwarfs (разом). What a beautiful girl!
 Dwarf 2. What is your name?
Snow Wh i t e. My name is Snow White. My Stepmother took me away in the forest.
Dwarf 3. You can live with us.
Snow White. Thank you. You are so kind.
(Buxoдять. Заходить мачуха.)
Stepmother. I am the most beautiful lady in the world!
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Among the ladies in this land
Who is the most beautiful of them all?
Mirror. Oh, Queen, you are the fairest of them all.
But the child Snow White is lovelier than you.
Stepmother. I'll kill Snow White myself! I'll kill her with the help of this comb.
(Підходить із кошиком доБілосніжки  .)
Pretty things to sell!
Snow  White. Oh! What a beautiful comb! Come in, please!
Stepmother. You must let me comb your hair!
(Білосніжка заплющує очі. Входять сім гномів.)
Dwarf   1. Oh! Look! Her stepmother was here!
Dwarf 2. She killed her!
Dwarf 3. Maybe she is alive!
Dwarf 4. We asked Snow White to be careful!
Dwarf 5. We must help her!
Dwarf 6. How can we help her?
Dwarf 7. We shall pull out this comb!
(Білосніжка відкриває очі.)
Dwarf 7. We asked you to be careful!
Snow  White. Don't worry! Everything will be all right!
(Buxoдять. Заходить мачуха.)
Stepmother. I am the most beautiful lady in the world!
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Among the ladies in this land
Who is the most beautiful of them all?
Mirror. Oh, Queen, you are the fairest of them all.
But the child Snow White is lovelier than you.
Stepmother. Snow White will die even if it costs my life! This apple will help me! I'll put poison into the apple!
(Підходить до Білосніжки з кошиком, у хустинці, з палицею.)
It's me again! I brought an apple for you!
Snow White. Sorry! I can't take it!
Stepmother. Please, take it! This apple is very tasty!
(Білосніжка їсть яблуко й падає на стілець. З’являються сім гномів.)
Dwarf 1. Oh! Poor Snow White!
Dwarf 2. She is so beautiful!
Dwarf 3. Let's leave her to sleep here!
(З’являється принц.)
Prince. What a beautiful girl! Is she sleeping? Oh... no....!
She is not breathing! I must kiss her! (Білосніжка прокидається.)
Snow White. Where am I?
Prince. You are alive! Come with me to my palace!
Snow White. Well, I agree!
Dwarf 1. You are alive, Snow White!
Dwarf 2. We are so happy!
Dwarf 3. We all love you!
Dwarf 4. We wish you to be happy!
 Snow White. Thank you, my dear dwarfs!
Prince. You can go with us!
Dwarf 5. No, we are dwarfs!
 Dwarf 6. We must live in the forest!
Dwarf 7. But we can come to your wedding!
 Dwarfs (разом). Long live Snow White!
Prince. That's the end of sweet love story We can tell it up to morning!
Snow White. Dear friends! We have a happy end of this story! Let's sing a lovely song to St. Valentine's Day!!!
Let me call you sweetheart
Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you!
Let me hear your whisper
That you love me too!
Keeps the love light glowing
In your eyes so true
Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you!
Snow White. Be kind and happy!
Prince. And don't forget to send your Valen­tine's cards! Good-bye!

Snow white фотографії from Tanya0303


Fairy. Good afternoon, my good friends! I am a Kind Fairy. All animals are my friends. And now they want to welcome you to their fairy wood.
( виходять звірята ).

The   Squirrel.  I am a squirrel. My name is Reddy.
Come to my hut,
 I'll give you a nut.

The Hare.  I am a hare. My name is Bunny.
Come to my village,
 I'll give you a cabbage.

The Cat.  I am a cat. My name is Hoggy.
Come to my house,                                                                                      I'll give you a mouse.

The Fox.  I am a fox. My name is Nixie.
Come to my hole,
 I'll treat you all.

The Bear.  I am a bear. My name is Bongo.
 Come to my den,
You'll get honey then.

All together
Welcome, welcome come to us,
We shall sing and play and dance.

Fairy. Oh, what a lovely house. Who lives there?  Nobody. Oh, I see a little grey mouse. Maybe, she lives there.

Kaзкa "A House in the Wood".

Сценка "A Mouse and a Cat".

Fairy.   Я чую якийсь галас. Хто це там верещить? Oh, I see three little pigs.

Kaзкa "Three Little Pigs".

Fairy.    He пощастило сірому вовку. Не вдалося з’їсти поросят. А їсти ж хочеться. Давайте подивимося, що трапилося з вовком у казці "Lit­tle Red Riding Hood".

Kaзкa "Little Red Riding Hood".

Fairy. Діти, а там за галявиною я бачу село. І щось там велике росте. (Махає чарівною паличкою). Давайте ближче подивимось.

Kaзкa "Turnip".

Fairy. Ой, як весело в селі! Навіть каченята співають і танцюють.
(Вибігає Каченятко).

Duckling.  Hello! Do you know me? I am a mer­ry Duckling. I have lots of friends. We like to sing and dance. Sing and dance with us.

Танець маленьких каченят.

Fairy. Діти! Гляньте, хтось котиться по доріжці до лісу. Та це ж Колобок — Little Round Bun.

Kaзкa "Little Round Bun".

Fairy.  А що зараз відбувається в лісі? Let’s see.

Казка "In the Forest".

Сценка "Flowers".

Танець квітів.

Fairy.  Oсь і закінчується наша подорож Kраїною Kазок. Bам сподобалося наше свято?
Goodbye, boys! Goodbye, girls!
We hope you had fun.
Goodbye, teachers! Goodbye, guests!

 Goodbye, everyone!

свято англійської казки from Tanya0303

English Alphabet Party

1. Letter A
A is for Apples and Apple-trees.
You can see apples on apple-trees.

2. Letter B
B is for Bird. Birds like to sing.
They stall to sing when it's spring..

3. Letter C
C is for Cat. My cat is grey.
And with me he likes to play.

4. Letter D
D is for Dog. And for Doggy.
I have a dog,, not a doggy.

 5. Letter E
E is for Eight and for Eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?

 6. Letter F
F is for Five, and also for Four,
Four little dogs and one dog more.

7. Letter G
G is for Girl and also for Garden.
I see a girl going to the garden.
8. Letter H
His for Hand. I have two hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.

9. Letter I
I is for I. I’m a boy, and I’m ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.

10. Letter J
J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.

11. Letter K
K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little, and it is white.

12. Letter L
L is for Letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.

13. Letter M
M is for Mother. I love my mother.
And she loves me and my brother.

14. Letter N
N is for Nine. Ninety and Ninety-nine.
Children, how much is ninety and nine?

15. Letter O
O is for One. One and two is three.
Three little birds are in the tree.

16. Letter P
P is for Pencils. With them I can draw:
A red pen. A green tree or a blue door.

17. Letter Q
Q is for Questions: How are you?
How old are you? And How do you do?

18. Letter R
R is for Red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know, Fred?

19. Letter S
S is for Spring and for Summer too.
When it’s warm and the sky is blue.

20. Letter T
T is for Tick and for Tock.
"Tick – tock”, says the clock.

21. Letter U
U is for Under, but not for At.
"I’m under the tree”, says Pat.

22. Letter V
V is in Five and also in Seven.
It is in Twelve and in Eleven.

23. Letter W
W is for Where? When? Who? And What?
Who is in the garden and who is not?

24. Letter X
X is in Six. Let’s count to six:
One, two three, four, five, six!

25. Letter Y
Y is for Yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.

26. Letter Z
Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the Zoo. And you?

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